-- Network Working Group                                          B. Wijnen
-- Request for Comments: 1592                                  G. Carpenter
-- Obsoletes: 1228                   T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp.
-- Category: Experimental                                         K. Curran
--                                                                A. Sehgal
--                                                                G. Waters
--                                             Bell Northern Research, Ltd.
--                                                               March 1994

--                    Simple Network Management Protocol
--                      Distributed Protocol Interface
--                               Version 2.0


     -- Objects in this MIB are implemented in the local SNMP agent.

                MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, snmpModules, enterprises
--PSIM                         FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                        FROM SNMPv2-SMI;

        ibm      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2 }
        ibmDPI   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibm 2 }
        dpi20MIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmDPI 1 }

     --   LAST-UPDATED "9401210000Z"
     --   ORGANIZATION "IBM Research - T.J. Watson Research Center"
     --   CONTACT-INFO "           Bert Wijnen
     --                 Postal:    IBM International Operations
     --                            Watsonweg 2
     --                            1423 ND Uithoorn
     --                            The Netherlands
     --                 Tel:       +31 2975 53316
     --                 Fax:       +31 2975 62468
     --                 E-mail:    wijnen@vnet.ibm.com"
     --   DESCRIPTION "MIB module describing DPI objects."
     --   ::= { snmpModules x }

        dpiPort  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dpi20MIB 1 }

        dpiPortForTCP   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
                ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS  mandatory
                DESCRIPTION "The TCP port number on which the agent
                             listens for DPI connections. A zero value
                             means the agent has no DPI TCP port."
                ::= { dpiPort 1 }

        dpiPortForUDP   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
                ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS  mandatory
                DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number on which the agent
                             listens for DPI packets. A zero value
                             means the agent has no DPI UDP port."
                ::= { dpiPort 2 }